Gold Nanoparticles - Anti-PV1 / PLVAP Monoclonal Antibody, Reacts with Mouse
Gold nanoparticles functionalized with mouse-specific Anti-PV1 / PLVAP Monoclonal Antibody.
- Antibody targets PV1/PLVAP receptors expressed on endothelial cells of blood vessels
- Targeing nanoparticles to blood vessel walls
Can be labeled with an optional fluorescent dye tag
- Core diameter: 15 nm – 200 nm
- 5 kDa PEG spacer, 2 kDa PEG backfill
- Shelf life: > 4 months (4°C storage)
- Supplied as liquid suspension in PBS
Price Information
Price (No Dye)
Price (Dye)
0.4 mL
1 mL
3 mL
Detailed product information
Materials Safety Data Sheets